Christopher Churchill is one of Photolucida's 2010 Critical Mass 50 photographers. Among the 50 photographers in that group (all of which are really good), I was most impressed with Christopher's work entitled, "American Faith". The work is about a human's being's need to be connected to something greater. The images in the project consist of landscapes and portraits from very interesting points of view and perspectives--all black and white. In addition to my marveling all of the images, I am really impressed with Mr. Churchill's ability to create such a compelling body of work from his very broad notion of Faith. For instance, he has images of people obviously engaging in religious activities, but he also has images of people in environments that would not be necessarily deemed religious, per say. He speaks broadly about faith, so that a lovely image of people viewing the grand canyon still fits in well with an image of attendees at Pentecostal service.
The the audio portion of the presentation of this body of work on Mr. Churchill's website adds significantly to the impact of the work. Please be sure to check out his work by clicking on the following link:

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